Become a BRCA+ Buddy

Becoming a buddy is an enriching experience. You will have the opportunity to concretely support someone who is about to embark on a journey that you have already gone through and who may have lots of questions, doubts or fears relating to this new experience. Becoming a buddy is simple, but there are few criteria to respect and responsibilities to take into consideration.

What are the responsibilities of a buddy?

  • You have a predisposition to hereditary breast, ovarian and/or prostate cancer and have undergone one or more of the following experiences: preventive mastectomy, preventive salpingo-oophorectomy, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, egg freezing, in vitro fertilisation with preimplantation genetic test.
  • You are willing to share your story in the form of a testimonial.
  • You are available to participate in a call with the BRCA network staff to receive advice on how to support persons in need.
  • You are available to organise an exchange in the way you prefer: in person, by phone (phone calls and/or Whatsapp), by email, by video call.

Each buddy-supported person pair is free to decide how and when to organise an exchange. Sometimes a simple phone call or a coffee together makes the difference for a person who is about to face a challenging situation. In other cases, you may decide to exchange regularly.

You can decide to support a maximum number of people, based on your availability. You can also stop being a buddy whenever you want, as long as this is communicated in advance and the people you support are referred to other buddies.

Fill in this form to become a BRCA+ buddy!