Share your story
When it comes to rare genetic conditions, patient testimonials are one of the most effective tools to raise awareness among the general public and indirectly provide information and support to those who find themselves in the same situation and feel lost.
Why sharing your story is important
You will help others feel less lonely and lost in dealing with their mutant condition!
You will help raise awareness about what it means to have a rare genetic predisposition to cancer!
NB: if you want to tell your story but don’t feel like sharing your name publicly, no problem! It will not appear and your story will be told anonymously or under a pseudonym.
How to share your story?
Some important things to consider when writing your testimonial:
- You probably have a lot of things to tell and you’re going to have to put them in order. You can simply choose to tell your story in chronological order – that’s often the easiest way (however, there’s no need to write a timeline). But don’t forget that you also need a guiding thread to make your story coherent. This thread is the message you want to convey, the one that sums up your story and that will run through your entire text.
- There is no maximum or minimum number of characters, just follow your intuition.
- If your testimonial is not anonymous and you are talking about people close to you (e.g. your mother, father, etc.), make sure they agree.
- It is not permitted to name specific doctors or health professionals.